Survivor Wall

This page is dedicated to the stories of survivors.  Our mission is to help victims find hope, survivors find strength, and the public find understanding.  If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact Forget Me Not through our Contact Page.


Let us not fight, let us make peace

Originally Posted by the7thson.  This piece is a great intro to our survivor wall, sharing why it is so important that we share and acknowledge what is happening in our world. 

Every time I open a new post to write something, I want to fill it with what I know I have in mind, but as soon as I get to the starting line, I linger, wondering where to begin from. There are plenty of things that I want to talk about but I don’t seem to figure out how much do I need to tell to let the other person know, for me to skip the basics and get to the point, so that I don’t waste pointless time trying to explain everything and ruin the actual dialogue I want to have. I don’t want to care about that anymore. I want to be arrogant and speak to the ones who get it, who can relate to my rebellion, because seriously it gets on my nerves. All the violence, the injustice, the very idea of inequality brewed inside our own homes, by our own people. The idea of abuse is absent now, it comes naturally. It is homegrown out of personal prejudice. When everything else fails in the attempt to gain an upper hand and feel important, force is what grows out of desperation to fulfill personal desires. Irrespective of it being physical or mental or both, abuse is not correct. Force is not acceptable.   Continue Reading

Watch N’s Story Here

Screenshot 2016-04-12 at 1.49.32 PM
Click Here to Watch N’s Story


Caroline Abbott

Journey book-cover-only-for-websiteMy husband of 20 years, who held many leadership positions in our church, walked into our kitchen one day when I was eating lunch and calmly said, “I hope you die. Today when you go out in your car, I hope you get into a car accident and die.” Then, he walked out of our home. You might wonder why I just sat there with my mouth open. Let me tell you my story.  Read more…

Yukon Chic

19643_247355653762_2036246_nI am a survivor!  My story is a bit different than the others I have read here on the Survivor Wall but I still think it needs to be told.  I survived 13 years of every abuse there is, physical, mental, sexual, emotional, verbal, etc.  Below is a very brief summation of my story.  There is no way in a short message that I can make you understand the horrors of what my family lived through.  But I want people to know that this stuff is happening in our world.  It is all around us!  We must make people aware of this or it will never stop!  Read more…

P’s Story of Emotional Abuse

adf03f95c07a9548cbe7eb2f296e9202_400x400It took me a long time to get to where I am now. I parted ways with my abuser (kind of) about 7 years ago. At times I feel like I can forgive and that I am at peace with everything, but that is rare and fleeting. I realized I had been abused 4 months after I moved, and I did not realize till 6 months ago that I was still suffering from PTSD. Before I only thought about PTSD associated with rape and war. This healing process has been long and slow but I would like to say before I share my story that I am lucky and have a wonderful husband and a beautiful little boy now. I am at peace with the life I have, but not yet at peace with what I lost. Here is my abuse story:  Read more…

A Broken Vase – Lisa’s Story

51sgZUMTSoL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_Life is interesting. It comes with no directions, there are few road signs to help you along your way and we all muddle along the best we can, hoping for the best. There are points along that journey that make us stop and look around wondering just how the hell we got there, and more importantly, how the hell do you find the exit.

You learn to laugh at some of the places you’ve found yourself, happily willing to share your disasters with friends, as you recount your tales of stupidity. But for other tales, no amount of laughter can save you, and these are the stories no one wants to share with anyone. These are the alone places, the dark places where anything can hide, and like an ostrich you hope like hell that you can put your head in the sand and it will pass you by. This is, where it got bad.  Read More…

Kashana’s Story – A Story of Abuse and Hope

Originally posted on

20140101_001332I am no stranger to “Daddy issues.” Almost all the memories I have of my biological Father are of being sexually abused by him. My Step-Father, Jack (whom I consider my Daddy in every way), was an alcoholic with anger issues. As a young girl, I witnessed many acts of domestic violence between he and my Mother. Both of these Men damaged me irreversibly. However, one Man changed, one did not.  Read more…

E’s Story


In in Dec of 1992 my daddy was killed by a drunk driver. I was almost 2 yrs old.  In 1994 my mom married the man that I now simply refer to as my abuser. I am not his only victim. Probably not even the first.

I became the oldest of 4 kids. 2 sisters, 1 brother. For years he was physically and emotionally abusive. There were never any bruises or marks and if there were they must’ve been explained away. Then at 10 yrs old he came into my room one morning before school, slid into my bed, and molested me. I pretended to be asleep.  Afterwards I tried to convince myself it wasn’t real.  That it wouldn’t happen again.  But it was real and it did happen again for the next 5 yrs it kept happening.  Read More…

KJ’s Story

tumblr_mmlcu0IJer1s924ino1_500There are moments I fall asleep, only to awake from a nightmare; where instantly, through no will of my own, I am carried back in time to the spring of 1986. Transported to a place in time I wish never existed; paralyzed by my own fear, feeling the same gut wrenching feelings, from head to toe, as if I have relived that horrible night once again. It is all part of the post traumatic stress, as well as the healing process.  Read More…


A’s Story – When I believe in something…

1329300346-When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it! 

Steve McQueen

When I was asked to write an article on how I coped with domestic violence, my first thought was, ‘I don’t know, I just did’.  My survivor and fighting instincts took over and I just got on with it.

In some ways I believe I was luckier than most as I had my parents to support to me. When I drove into their driveway in Brisbane all I had was my car, handbag and the clothes on my back.  My daughter was on a plane from Adelaide to Brisbane, with a suitcase of her valuables.  All of our worldly possessions were thousands of miles away in our home city, Adelaide.

So there we were strangers to Brisbane with no clothes, no money, no job and homeless. As I said, I was lucky, my parents lived in Brisbane and they took us in.   Read More…

Story of the Freelancer

Rape victim

I have started this piece many, many times over the years. On past blogs, and in delayed book ideas. I’ve started it on this blog three times over the past few weeks. And, I have finally come to a sad realization.

I love telling stories. I like portraying an emotion so that others can feel it. I like exposing the thoughts that people have but can’t figure out how to put into words.

And, yet, the story of my past has become boring to me. You know why? It’s because it’s just your average, typical rape story.  Read More…

One Punch Homicide

One punch can kill event

My dad was an alcoholic. There were times he went overboard when he’d been drinking, maybe five or six. A couple of times he used a belt. I remember in 8th grade going to gym class and intentionally being the last one to change into my gym clothes so no one would see the welts on my back. After gym I was the last to shower to avoid the welts being detected. He was more likely to use his fists. A couple times he’d raise his fists, one on each side of my head, and yell that I didn’t know which side it was coming from.  Read More…



Teen Dating Violence – Amanda’s Story

9-1Hi I’m Amanda and I’m a domestic violence survivor.
I experienced domestic violence when I was teen. And this is my story.
I was young and in love, or what I thought was love.  We had started out as friends. And he was a great friend to me. We chatted online all the time talking about our problems and feelings. We seemed to have really connected with each other. Eventually we became a couple when we were both 14 years old, the summer before we both entered high school. He was my first official boyfriend so everything in this relationship was new to me.   So, I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong in a relationship. I thought what I felt was love and in the beginning our relationship was great and he made me feel like a princess. However, over time things began to change. It didn’t happen overnight, it happened gradually.   Read More…

2 thoughts on “Survivor Wall

  1. I counseled domestic violence survivors for 15 years in Milwaukee at Sojourner Truth House. That led me to getting my degree in Social Welfare as I needed a way to help. What I learned along the way is that each survivor has their ‘own’ story. Don’t judge. Don’t put a hand out – give a hand up to help them find the resources, strength and faith to make a change in their own lives. It was heart breaking and often heart fulfilling to see how these courageous people survived and came out stronger for it. XXOO Lee Hermann

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